Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

What’s in a name?


Having a pet in one’s life is believed to, among other things, reduce stress and improve overall health and well-being.

According to The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI), an estimated 133 million pet owners save nearly $11 billion on physician visits, while 20 million owners who walk their pets five times a week, show lower obesity and save more than $400 million in healthcare costs.

So take the time and celebrate a puppy (or other favorite pet) today and be thankful for all the goodness they bring into one’s life.

Trupanion, the leader in medical insurance for pets, combed through its database of more than 600,000 insured pets and compiled the top 10 puppy names for 2020. Some popular names remain at the top of the list, while some new names (Rosie, Teddy and Molly) have found their way into the hearts of pet owners and on to the dog tags of their cuddly new friends.

Here are the top 10 puppy names for 2020:

  1. Luna
  2. Bella
  3. Charlie
  4. Cooper
  5. Lucy
  6. Daisy
  7. Max
  8. Rosie
  9. Teddy
  10. Molly

Over a span of 20 years, Trupanion has covered more than 900,000 puppies, paying out nearly $125 million for medical care (a very common condition for puppies is, of course, foreign body ingestion). Tracking the dogs that have enrolled as puppies and remained with coverage throughout their lifetime, Trupanion has paid out more than $520 million toward medical care as those puppies grow into adults.