Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

UNCG presents, The Julies: Strindberg Remixed


UNC Greensboro School of Theatre will present The Julies: A Kinda Sorta Adaptation of Strindberg’s Miss Julie a play by Calley N. Anderson, with in-person shows on October 15-16 and 21-23 at 7:30 p.m., and October 17 and 24 at 2 p.m. On-demand streaming for The Julies will be available from November 4-6.

The story presents a deconstruction and analysis of August Strindberg’s infamous Miss Julie. Written in the late 1800s, Miss Julie follows a drunken night between Julie and Jean as they make big plans for the future, only to realize that their potential union could be a mistake and a hard choice has to be made by sun-up. Presented in a workshop format that translates the text to different locations and time periods, the heartbreaking relationship between Jean and Julie takes on three distinct power dynamics that allow audiences to examine the text in a modern light.

Tickets for on-demand streaming are available online at, by phone at (336) 334-4392, or in-person at the UNCG Theatre Box Office located at 406 Tate Street., Greensboro. Currently, the School of Theatre venues are permitted to open at approximately half capacity, and everyone must wear face coverings per UNCG policy.

Co-director Iyanna Huffington says that “The Julies reminds us of the demographic differences between us and those close to us and gives us the insight to look deeper into how our relationships function. In today’s world, we hear a lot of conversation regarding power structures and privilege on an institutional or governmental level, but we often fail to pay attention to the power structures in our own personal lives. This play deals with the consequences of mixing infatuation, sex and manipulation. It shows how that mixture lives in different bodies and circumstances. What I really hope to accomplish with this piece is to convince the audience to play alongside us, break out of their comfort zones, engage with the action and text.”

When asked about what excites her about the show, Huffington comments: “The Julies truly is a beautifully and thoughtfully written play, the characters are so genuine and provide so much potential for our actors to show their talent. I am most excited for our actors to show the community what they can do and how diverse their acting abilities are.”

Co-director Chris Gilly-Forrer adds that “As much as I love Miss Julie, Strindberg’s writings and views on women were extremely problematic. I think what Anderson has written in The Julies is a reclamation of a female-identifying character who badly needs to be separated from her misogynistic author, and I hope we’ve served that story well.” As to what excites him about this show, Gilly-Forrer states that he thinks “the structure of this show, the fusion of what we expect from Western realism and this neo-Brechtian idea of stopping the action completely to discuss what’s working and not working, is unlike anything I’ve seen before. I’m thrilled for our audiences to experience it.”

The UNC Greensboro School of Theatre educates and trains students as professional artists in a wide range of theatrical specialties. Programs include technical production, design, theatre education, performance, theatre for youth, and directing. UNCG’s rigorous BA, BFA, and MFA programs produce exemplary theatre artists with the applicable knowledge, skills, and vision to work professionally in the performing arts. With the help of the National Theatre Honors Fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega, students are furthering their experiences for service inside and outside our community. The School of Theatre is committed to creating and nurturing a diverse, engaged, and artistically well-balanced body of future professionals, performers, and teachers. Its mission is to strengthen our students’ goals, enhance their talents, lead them towards success and help them to turn passion into purpose on and off the stage.