Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

The Guilford Native American Pow Wow


The Guilford Native American Association held its 44th annual Pow Wow on September 17-19 at Country Park in Greensboro.

Pow Wow is that time of year when Native Americans get together to dance, sing, visit with old friends and meet new ones. The event included a dance and drum competition, arts and crafts, and traditional food.

The Guilford Native American Association is a Native American community association in Guilford County, North Carolina. It is a North Carolina State-recognized American Indian Organization, and is a United Way referral agency. Incorporated in September 1975 by the late Lonnie and Ruth Revels as a non-profit education advocacy group, the association has grown to encompass child care, employment, and age-based community programs. It is the oldest American Indian urban association in North Carolina and one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the United States.