Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

Harlem Globetrotters thrill students

Nathanel Doggett head bounce passes the ball to Domiinique Trainer, right, as Globetrotters Shane “Scooter” Christensen, center right, and Joey “Hot Rod” de la Rosa, back left, observe.
Photo by Ivan Saul Cutler/CarolinaPeacemaker.[/caption]

A slam dunk of delight occurred at Greensboro’s Wiley Elementary School as two members of the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters bounded in to showcase their athletic skills and deliver a message on leadership, fair play and commitment to education.

Arranged by the Greensboro Police Department’s Community Connectors, exuberant players Shane “Scooter” Christensen and Joey “Hot Rod” de la Rosa entertained happy fourth and fifth grade students. The players discussed personal responsibility conducting a Magic Circle exercise with five students who responded to questions about virtues represented by the acronym CHEER: Cooperation, Healthy mind and body, Effort, Enthusiasm and Responsibility.

In the Magic Circle exercise, Scooter showed each student various ball handling skills- over-under the leg, behind the back, head and knee bounce — and challenged the students to repeat the moves to the delight of their classmates. Scooter said the Globetrotters perform the Magic Circle at each game at center court among themselves, sometimes inviting spectators to participate.

The Globetrotters return to the Triad with games at Greensboro Coliseum on April 14 and Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial in Winston-Salem, April 15.

The Globetrotters’ visit is an extension of the organization’s Goodwill Ambassadorship and is in tribute to the rich cultural history that weaves through their legendary story. Players actively support community programs throughout the year in cities across the country and abroad.

According to background information: “Children seeing them in action will find themselves sharing space with real-life superheroes, whose honor and conviction match their skills both on and off the court.” Emphasizing social involvement, wellness of mind, body, and spirit, and the power of laughter, the Globetrotters are giving a new generation of fans the gift of smiles on their faces and hope in their hearts.”