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Greensboro residents Talk with Tai


Following a community meeting, Greensboro City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba, left, listens to Randleman Road area residents John and Kerstin Wynn. Photo by Ivan Saul Cutler/Carolina Peacemaker.

Greensboro City Manager Taiwo Jaiyoeba said he wants more youth to be involved in discussions about all activities of the city.

At a recent community meeting — Talk With Tai — in City Council District 1, the city manager responded to a request from resident John Wynn to engage more young people in future meetings.

“When you get the kids, you get the parents,” the Randleman Road area resident said, prompting the city manager to disclose he has met with Guilford County Schools Superintendent Whitney Oakley to arrange for a Youth Town Hall next year.

A member of the Randleman Road Community Assn., Wynn joined other speakers addressing a variety of concerns and issues: the dearth of top tier businesses and resources such as first quality grocery stores, reduction in crime and related aspects of public safety from adequate street lighting and responsibility of businesses to keep their property clean and attractive. Nearly 40 people attended the meeting at the Warnersville Recreation Center.

After opening the meeting with a report on his first eight months as city manager, Jaiyoeba invited questions in a presentation he has conducted in other city council districts.