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Guilford County Amends State of Emergency Restrictions in Place for Gatherings and Playgrounds


Guilford County Officials released an amended State of Emergency Declaration, to be effective Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM.

The tighter restrictions will affect all residents and prohibit gatherings to no more than 10 persons. The declaration also prohibits the use of public and privately-owned playgrounds. But does exclude playgrounds at private residences.

The county first declared a State of Emergency on March 13, 2020 authorizing the county to enact a variety of different restrictions and prohibitions as the situation warrants.

Chairman of the Board Jeff Phillips, announced in a recorded statement, that as of this week Guilford County identified its first case of community spread, which is COVID-19 positive test with no connection to recent travel or another COVID-19 case.

The county has made the decision to enact tighter restrictions based on the input from the Communities Health System Partners in an effort to further slow the spread of the virus and protect the healthcare system and to keep more residents healthy.

Phillips stated, “We are now entering a challenging phase in a rapidly changing situation. We need every member of our community to follow the CDC recommendations, to cover their sneeze and cough, to stay home when sick, to wash their hands frequently and reduce social interactions.” Phillips urged residents that if these measures are taken seriously to slow the spread of the virus, there is hope that the county can postpone the need for more drastic measures such as those taken by larger communities.

The new declaration allows for many business exclusions to these new social gathering mandates which can be found on the county’s website at

Residents are urged to review the website often for changes in services and up to date information on COVID-19.

For more information, please visit the CDC’s website at and NCDHHS’ website at, which will also include future positive COVID-19 test results in North Carolina. For questions, please call the COVID-19 phone line toll-free at 866-462-3821. This helpline is staffed by the North Carolina Poison Control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.