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Ways to achieve a work-life balance


One possible 2023 goal is a better work-life balance.

As the start of the year is upon us, many people take the time to engage in a smidgen of self-reflection. One of the top reflections involves a reallocation of time between work and relaxation, a concept better known as the work-life balance. All of us are in search of effective ways to achieve this important life skill.

The term work-life balance means many things. For some people, it may mean a need to increase their work, for others it means less work. It is definitely based on a person’s individual needs. Work-life balance is also cyclic, meaning the needs of a person will change as their life situations and needs change. The primary purpose of implementing a life-work balance is to prevent burnout and promote greater satisfaction about life in general. It should alleviate the so-called “quiet quitting” phenomenon that is upon us.

Quiet quitting refers to doing the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary.

The workplace is now witnessing employers, who are taking a more active participation in the wellness and health of their employees. Many companies are recognizing that happy and healthy employees are better for the bottom line. In all types of businesses, regardless of their size or area of expertise, implementing a wellness program in a company helps soothe the mind, body and spirit of employees. Research has shown that employees who engage in wellness programs are less costly to businesses in terms of health care, training and they actively contribute to the growth of the company. Achieving a work-life balance as well as a cohesion between employee and employer is not always easy but should be the ultimate goal.

A healthy work-life balance will result in better health, happier people and also better functioning family units. The basics are the same. Work should be meaningful and emotionally satisfying to ensure a high-quality life. It should include time for relaxation and exercise. Achieving good quality sleep to regenerate the body is a key part of this balance. There should also be time to consider and prepare better food choices without the highly processed, preservative content.

One of the “new” work-life factors I hope to include in my life would be to foster better relationships with family and friends. Many studies have shown that quality relationships are a factor observed in people who live long lives around the world.

Let’s work to achieve a healthy work-life balance. It is a worthy goal for all of us.

Dr. Veita Bland is a board-certified Greensboro physician and hypertension specialist. Dr. Bland’s radio show, “It’s a Matter of Your Health,” can be heard live on Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. on N.C. A&T State University’s WNAA, 90.1 FM. Listeners may call in and ask questions. The show is replayed on Sirius 142 at 5 p.m. on Wed. Email Dr. Bland at