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Cone Foundation celebrates 20 years


Steve Sumerford, board chairman and Susan Shumaker, Cone Health Foundation president, are presented with a resolution by Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan in recognition of the foundation’s 20th anniversary.  Photo by Joe Daniels/Carolina Peacemaker Steve Sumerford, board chairman and Susan Shumaker, Cone Health Foundation president, are presented with a resolution by Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan in recognition of the foundation’s 20th anniversary. Photo by Joe Daniels/Carolina Peacemaker[/caption]In October, Cone Health Foundation will host three events aimed at calling attention to the barriers our neighbors struggle with to improve their health.

Since 1997, Cone Health Foundation has awarded more than $86 million to various organizations sharing its mission of improving the health of the community.

The foundation will mark 20 years of service by providing meals, offering free flu shots and basic health screenings, and even picking up the tab for bus rides.

“The foundation supports community organizations working to improve access to health care, reduce teen pregnancy, care for those with an HIV diagnosis, and support people struggling with substance abuse or mental health problems,” says Cone Health Foundation President Susan Shumaker. “What better way to celebrate that work than by joining some of those organizations in the work they do.”

The giving begins Monday, Oct. 2, with the building block of good health—food. Cone Health Foundation is underwriting all the food costs for Greensboro Urban Ministry (GUM) for the day. Foundation board members and staff will provide some of the volunteer labor to serve lunch at Potter’s House, pack grocery bags, sort food and run food orders out to GUM guests.

On Tuesday, Oct. 3, the 20th anniversary observance moves to First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro’s Hot Dish and Hope program to underwrite all the food costs for the evening meal and, working with Cone Health’s congregational nurses, provide up to 100 flu shots, along with other basic health screenings for individuals in need on site.

Then on Wednesday, Oct. 4, Cone Health Foundation picks up the tab for rides on all Greensboro Transit Authority buses. All riders have to do is board and go.

“Sound nutrition, basic preventative steps like flu shots and even reliable transportation to and from a doctor’s office play vital roles in the health of our community. These three days of giving reinforce the foundation’s aim for the next 20 years: to keep those at the margins of our community at the center of our work to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to lead a healthy life,” adds Shumaker.

Cone Health’s app to manage diabetes

The text popped up on Travis Hackney’s phone. “Why was your blood sugar high?” The question was sent by a nurse, who knew something was wrong because of an app on his phone. It’s an app that helps Hackney manage his diabetes. That’s right. An app for diabetes. Cone Health helped create it, and now doctors are studying its effectiveness. Doctors know how to control the disease and how to treat it, but doing so can be complex for people. So Cone Health is developing the technology to put simple information in a patient’s hand using their smartphone. “It made me think,” said Hackney, 44, a sergeant with the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office. The app has gone through two trials locally, involving Cone employees and their families.

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