I know people who are already cooking and preparing for the holidays. If I am honest, I will be getting those greens cooked and frozen soon myself.
Since a famous singer started to make her sweet potato pies available, I have been letting Miss Pattie (Patti LaBelle) prepare them so I do not have to bake any pies and freeze them.
Each year I try to remind people of the intense emotional toll the holidays can bring. Although it is fun-loving for some, the emotional toll can be horrible.
The holidays may be difficult when loved ones have been lost. That first holiday since the loss of a spouse, parent, relative or good friend can be depressing and confusing. Here a new normal for experiencing the holidays must be developed without that loved one. It is difficult but I remind those with this loss that their loved ones would want them to go on and enjoy the holidays. It does get easier as the years pass. If not, please seek grief counseling.
Be aware of how the holidays affect your children. They are forced to sometimes be around people they do not really know. Often children are forced to give up their bedrooms when guest visit. Their normal way of living is disturbed. Have a talk and find out how they feel about these people coming into their homes demanding hugs and kisses. Protect them from this form of abuse.
Take the time to rest and recharge. I see so many people that truly need a vacation after the holidays. Their schedules are so packed full of events. They feel that they have to attend all of them because they do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings by not being present. The world will not end if you miss a program and you then give back to the world a better rested you.
Some people see the holidays as an excuse to drink and eat more than they should. Be cautious of your behavior especially if alcohol adversely effects your life. Bad behavior is never forgotten and could affect one’s employment and relationships for years to come.
I have heard many people refer to the holidays as the eating season where most of us tend to over indulge. Have a good time but use moderation. The weight that is gained during that time is difficult for most to get off. How does it affect your health?
Lastly, if money is low and expectations are high something has to give. Instead of gifts give services such as baby-sitting for one night, bake a cake or make a gift. Live within your means. The emotional toll of hefty new bills by the New Year may put a damper on the joy that was gleaned while seeing someone open a shiny new gift.
The holidays are upon us. Live life, have joy and remember to use moderation for another day is coming.
Dr. Veita Bland is a board-certified Greensboro physician and hypertension specialist. Dr. Bland’s radio show, “It’s a Matter of Your Health,” can be heard live on Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. on N.C. A&T State University’s WNAA, 90.1 FM. Listeners may call in and ask questions. The show is replayed on Sirius 142 at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Email Dr. Bland at ideas@blandclinicpa.com.