The Tau Omega chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated celebrated its Achievement Week with a week of activities designed to uplift the community. Fraternity members spent time cleaning a segment of roadway as part of the state's adopt-a-highway anti-litter campaign. Members also served as reading tutors for African American male youth.
Achievement Week is observed each November by the national organization and all its chapters. It is designed to recognize those individuals at the local and international levels who have contributed to community uplift.
“This is about community service. A good opportunity to give back to the community and help people particularly doing the holiday season,” said Gerry McCants, Tau Omega Basileus.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was founded in 1911 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. The Tau Omega chapter, known as “Tenacious TQ” was established and chartered by the fraternity’s Supreme Council in 1923. Comprised of members living in the Triad, Tau Omega is the third chapter chartered in the fraternity’s Sixth District and the first graduate chapter in the state of North Carolina.
During the fraternity’s Achievement Week Awards Ceremony (Nov. 20), the chapter recognized members making a difference at its Achievement Week Awards Ceremony on November 20. Newly elected N.C. Supreme Court Justice Mike Morgan served as keynote speaker and he discussed the importance of giving back to the community.
A former Superior Court Judge of Wake County, District Court Judge of Wake County and a State Administrative Law Judge, Morgan is the first African American man to win an election to the N.C. Supreme Court. He defeated Associate Justice Bob Edmunds in November. Morgan is also credited with helping start the Omega Zeta Chapter at Duke University when he was an undergraduate student. He is a graduate of North Carolina Central University School of Law.
Just a few days before Thanksgiving, the Tau Omega chapter delivered turkeys with all the trimmings to 30 families in Ray Warren Homes, a public housing complex in East Greensboro.
“This is not just community service, but also about carrying on the legacy of helping those in need,” said Tau Omega Social Action Chair, Melvin Gass Jr. “That is what Omegas do. Hopefully these baskets will uplift those who need it.”