When you get right down to it, no one is surprised that women comprise two out of every three health care providers. Women, with their nurturing nature, care for their families and their loved ones. It is a natural occurrence out of caring for children and the family in general.
It is well known that women are much more likely to go to a health care provider and get care when they perceive a problem than men. Studies indicate that many women are now going to see their providers and getting seen before there is a problem. They are going for their scheduled preventive healthcare more than ever.
Do you know what you should be getting done? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) has placed a list on its website as it celebrated Women’s Health in May. The list includes health goals women should be mindful of in each decade of life. It is a guide to help women make sure they have not forgotten any aspect of their health. The list is also downloadable and printable. I encourage everyone to go to the website and take a look: www.womenshealth.gov/healthy-living-age.
Certainly, there will be some different goals that women in their twenties should look at when compared to women living in her nineties. Throughout the decades, the tenants of good health remain the same.
The list is divided into daily health tasks, yearly health tasks and it focuses on specific health screens that women should be receiving during certain decades of life. Healthy eating is at the top of the daily for all ages. This is followed by getting at least 30 minutes of exercise and achieving at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep nightly. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important followed by quitting or not starting to smoke and limiting one’s alcohol intake.
Healthcare needs do change by decade. For example, a woman in her forties may have questions about perimenopause versus a woman in her twenties, who would like information on birth control.
The third section of the website focuses on women in their ninth decade of life. Health conditions such as osteoporosis, vaccine status and mammograms remain important. Whereas women in their third decade of life may also have concerns about pap smears in addition to their vaccination status and mammogram screenings.
The aforementioned screenings and preventive care can only happen if women have access to healthcare. Some employment opportunities include access to healthcare, but what is one to do if their job does not include healthcare? Medicaid is an option, but what is one to do if they do not qualify for Medicaid? Or, as I am seeing more and more, do not wish to have people “knowing” about their lives.
Health care is very expensive. Services are available at Public Health Departments or at reduced price clinics. Be determined and find the healthcare outlet for you.
Taking care of your health at the distinct stages of life is important. We need you here. Take care of yourself.
Dr. Veita Bland is a board-certified Greensboro physician and hypertension specialist. Dr. Bland’s radio show, “It’s a Matter of Your Health,” can be heard live on Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. on N.C. A&T State University’s WNAA, 90.1 FM. Listeners may call in and ask questions. The show is replayed on Sirius 142 at 5 p.m. on Wed. Email Dr. Bland at ideas@blandclinicpa.com.