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Don’t stress over the holidays, enjoy them


The holidays should be a time of joy, do not let it become a time of stress. The holidays should be a time of joy, do not let it become a time of stress.

This time of the year is heavy in symbolism. The religions of many converge and living up to holiday traditions, gift giving and making merry can all be sources of stress.

This should be a time of the year that is enjoyed. Do not allow it to become a period of drudgery with too many events and too many people vying for your attention.

Let me suggest some simple rules to enjoy the holidays more.

Pace yourself. If at all possible, make a calendar and decide which events you will and will not attend. Yes, there may be a few events you feel obligated to attend but still, try to attend events that have meaning to you and that bring joy.

Stop worrying so much. It will all work out. Try to enjoy yourself. Many times, no one else knows, but you, whether an event was perfect or not.

Allow others to help. This takes some of the stress off you and gives your helpers joy and meaning for the event.

Watch the budget. Do not start 2017 behind the financial eight ball by making unwise choices now. To thine own self and budget be true.

Watch what you eat. We all expect to get off the diet during this time of the year but remember the word “moderation.” Do not allow yourself to gain a great deal of weight that will be difficult to lose. Your health is important. Watch what you eat.

Watch what you drink. Some use the season as an excuse to indulge in libations. Are you going to have a better time or a time you cannot remember? If alcohol consumption changes who you are, that is not a good thing.

Take the time to check in on relatives and friends who may be alone. Your phone calls or visits may be the highlights of their day.

Use your time off wisely. Get some rest.

Family is important. Let them know how important they are to you. Words and actions mean more than gifts. Heal old wounds if you can. Take the high road.

And lastly, take stock of your life. Where have you succeeded and where is there room for improvement? If you are a person who makes goals, review your short term and long term lists. Are adjustments in order? Talk to your mentors and with your mentees.

Enjoy the holidays. They only come around once a year.

Dr. Veita Bland is a board certified Greensboro physician and hypertension specialist. Dr. Bland’s radio show, “It’s a Matter of Your Health,” can be heard live on Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. on North Carolina A&T State University’s WNAA, 90.1 FM. Listeners may call in and ask questions. The show is replayed on Sirius 142 at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. Email Dr. Bland at