In partnership with the American Heart Association and Guilford County Schools, Cone Health has donated life-saving equipment to 12 Guilford County schools at the Principals Meeting on Thursday, June 21. Thanks to a generous grant provided by the Cone Health, 12 Guilford County school principals received a CPR in Schools Training Kit for their school to ensure implementation of the CPR in Schools graduation requirement, signed into law by then Governor Bev Perdue in 2012.
“Most people who have heart attacks outside of hospitals don’t get CPR. Bystanders don’t know what to do or are afraid to help,” shared Sheryl Booth, executive director of cardiovascular services of Cone Health. “These training kits will give students the knowledge to recognize a heart attack and the ability to practice on a manikin. This training will provide the confidence to take potentially life-saving action.”
The schools that received the gifted CPR in Schools Kits are as follows: Greensboro College Middle College, Newcomers School (3rd-12th), Penn-Griffin School for the Arts, The Academy at Central, The Academy at Smith, The Early College at Guilford, The Middle College at Bennett, The Middle College at GTCC - High Point, The Middle College at GTCC – Jamestown, the Middle College at NC A&TSU, STEM Early College, Weaver Academy and UNCG Middle College.
“We are excited to receive this generous donation of an additional 12 CPR training kits for our high schools in Guilford County,” said Becki Haislip, K-12 Health and Physical Education Supervisor for Guilford County Schools. “This will greatly improve our students’ abilities to save lives should a heart emergency occur at school, at home and in our community.”
Of the 350,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests that occur nationwide annually, 90 percent of those victims will not survive. Of those 90 percent, 46 percent of those victims did not receive the critical CPR or hands-only CPR help that they needed. CPR can double or triple one’s chance of survival if compressions are performed in the first few minutes.
Developed by the American Heart Association, the CPR in Schools program allows students to practice CPR on a manikin while watching skills performed correctly on a DVD. Schools across the country that participate in the program are equipped with a CPR in Schools Kit which includes 10 Mini Anne Plus® inflatable manikins, practice-while-watching training DVDs, AED training simulators, a facilitator binder that contains lesson plans, replacement face masks and other materials to help ensure a successful and educational program.
For more information about CPR in Schools or to help fund essential CPR in Schools Kits for additional schools in Guilford County visit: or contact Laura May at (336) 907-8841 or