NEW YORK, N.Y. – Triad singers and musicians with Chromatica and Ragsdale High School choruses traveled to New York City to perform at the world-renowned Carnegie Hall. They participated in the debut of Journey Through the Nourishment Cycle, directed by music educators Jordan Lee, Marcus Young and Chris Hansen.
Following weeks of intense rehearsals in Greensboro and Jamestown, the choruses overcame their jitters, stepping out with confidence onto the stage for their performance. Chromatica members are mostly residents of Greensboro and Guilford County, ranging in age from 17 to 70. The Ragsdale High School chorus is comprised of juniors and seniors.
Following the performance, both choruses celebrated on a Hudson River dinner cruise. A few days earlier, Ragsdale High Music Director Marcus Young led several musicians down Seventh Avenue into a crowded Times Square, where they captured considerable attention and adulation by performing several upbeat melodies.