Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

(BPT) - Sponsored by Pfizer'Tis the season when work and school are in full swing, the holidays are fast approaching — and all kinds of germs are invading your indoor get-togethers.1 It's easy …

Harvest Sides for Your Holiday Feast

(Family Features) Don't let turkey and ham have all the fun this holiday season. After all, you know your guests are likely to have plates piled high with all their favorite festive side dishes.

Do’s And Don’ts of D-I-Y

(NAPSI)—Homeowners often turn to online do-it-yourself tips to help them maintain their house, but some advice can do more harm than good. For example, DIY duct cleaning can lead to serious damage …

(BPT) - By Patricia L. Turner, MD, MBA, FACS, Executive Director & CEO, American College of SurgeonsFor people of all ages, the mere thought of surgery can spur anxious thoughts and concerns: How …

Does your dog bark a lot? Or is he one of those quiet pooches who barks only when things get really exciting? Most dogs bark at least a little. Dog barks are not words. Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you …

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