As we endure one mass shooting crisis to the next, it illustrates the nation’s void in leadership. We look to our elected officials to fulfill their oaths of office to protect the public because a …
While listening to National Public Radio the other day, I was stunned to hear a former State Department official say that the United States is spending more than $2 billion a month on the war in …
The 2024 presidential race is taking shape. It looks like a choice between the sensible, the mad and the missing. Joe Biden seems intent on running on his record, a sensible route for the incumbent. …
We need to watch our language. The debacle at the Montgomery Pier, where enslaved people were once offloaded and sold, is described as a “brawl.” The dictionary says a “brawl” is a …
Our history involves both hard facts and interpretation – the context in which the hard facts are presented. Interpretation inevitably is political and contested. How we see the past reflects how …
On July 16, Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson announced that he would pivot from his role as President of the National Rainbow Coalition to become a university professor and advisor to his successor, the …
As a child in Pinpoint, Georgia, Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was hazed by his classmates with the monicker “America’s Blackest Child.” Such hazing may have had long-term …
“Decades of research indicate that racism undergirds our public institutions and shapes various aspects of our contemporary society, including public policies. These policies, in turn, shape local …
On Juneteenth 2023, the nation enjoyed the new national holiday celebrating the freedom of the slaves at the end of the Civil War. This week marks the 10-year anniversary of Shelby v. Holder and now …
At first glance, the numbers don’t make sense. At one point there was approximately 700 Confederate monuments spread throughout 31 states and the District of Columbia. Yet, there were only 11 …
Just two years ago, in 2021, The Senate unanimously passed legislation to make Juneteenth (June 19) a federal holiday. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the legislation with just …
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been touted as the presidential candidate who offers Trump without the drama, a Trump who can win rather than lose. He was supposedly able to forge a majority by …
One of the most important questions a “thinking and responsible” citizen must ask is, “Who governs me?” Active participation in the governance of others is a solemn responsibility of which …
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R) has joined the throng of Republicans seeking to unseat the former President as the frontrunner of that party. So far, he is polling in the single digits, but he …
Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, President Joe Biden needs to be re-elected regardless of whether you like him. During the 2020 presidential election, many people voted for …
Over the next few weeks, the manufactured crisis over the “debt ceiling” will reach its boiling point. But this is pure melodrama, badly overacted with the outcome already known. The real …
Two things happened last week — one public, the other personal — that made me reflect on how far we’ve come as a nation, how we got here, and what it will take to keep that journey moving …
The theme for the 53rd Earth Day last Saturday was a timely one: Invest in Our Planet. This country has just begun to do that through the infrastructure and clean energy packages that President Biden …
After yet another mass shooting recently made headlines this week — this time, at a bank in Louisville, Kentucky — the chief medical officer for University of Louisville Health gained national …
So here we go again. Once more, the country is in the grip of a Donald Trump drama, when there are so many other important issues we need to address. As the world now knows, Trump has been indicted …
This week in 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated leading a bold effort to teach America an urgent lesson: Racism is not just the boot on the neck of people of color, it is also the …
Two things happened last week — one public, the other personal — that made me reflect on how far we’ve come as a nation, how we got here, and what it will take to keep that journey moving …
If you want to change the world, you change the world of a child. – Rep. Patricia Schroeder When former Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder passed away March 13, many people were quick …
In 2021, the bill to award gold medals to the U.S. Capitol Police officers who responded to the Jan. 6 insurrection passed, despite 21 GOP lawmakers voting against it. The Congressional Gold Medal is …
There is an African proverb that says “women hold up half the sky.” Women constitute half the world’s population, but still have not realized half of the world’s potential, received half of …